Wednesday 23 October 2013



A picture can tell a thousand words, but very few words can change its story. This picture has inspired me to look again at my life and realize: ‘’for what is worth it, it’s never too late or too early to be who you want to be’’ -Eric Roth.  This picture motivated me to take a step towards my future, and how it should be.  Life is life, it never changes weather you like it or not. It’s always doing what its meant to do, and if you like it you will deal with it. So are you, you should always do what you think is right to do. Never get affected by what others think of you. Because if there are people out there who really care about you, they will always be there for you. We all live a life, which we try to give value to. But have you ever taken a moment and thought: am I doing the right thing? Am I doing what is making me happy, and am I fulfilling my destiny? Furthermore this picture has given me the strength to focus on my life right now, and the power to forget my past.

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